Tiny Hands
I have always LOVED being in the kitchen. As a child I would experiment, and my parents let me. I would mix and bake whatever was in the..
My Winter Comfort Food
I like the phrase Comfort Food. Sometimes, food does give you the feeling of comfort, nostalgic. It is very cultural though. When I see..
The Best Soft Ice
My dad has always been the closest person to me. He always supports me, listens to everything I tell him, gives me advice and cares...
A Taste of Childhood
Our brain works in mysterious ways. Some flavors, sounds and smells stick with us forever. It doesn’t matter what you are doing, or..
Farina, Moroccan Bread Baked on Pebbles
This bread is fantastic. Easy, fun and smells amazing. The best part is it only takes about 10 minutes to bake so it is the perfect bread..
Asura – Noah’s Porridge, yes the one from the Arc…
Asura is a sweet porridge with dry fruits and nuts. It is delicious and rich with flavors and mainly made from wheat. It is called..
Summer vacation
For me, summer is Hornbaek, Denmark. My grandparents Bella and Oskar’s red summer house or Sommer Hus in Danish.
The corner garden, the..
Shavuot- My Favorite Little Holiday….
Shavout is the Festival of weeks (shavuot in Hebrew means weeks) but it has many names-Hag Hakatzir Festival of Reaping (cutting the..
3-2-1 and an egg
I don’t remember as a child baking with my mom but I remember being a lot in the kitchen. I remember experimenting and that my mom always..